Business License Application
Types of Business Licenses
- Premises License under Trade, Business & Industry
- Food Settlement Premises License
- Premises License for entertainment activities
- Lesen Premis Hotel
- Hawker License
- Market License
- Advertisement License
- License to sell intoxicating beverages
- Money Lender’s License
- Scrap Management License
- Oil Storage License
- Temporary permit
- Sidewalk
- Entertainment Act
- Gatherings
Business license approval process duration
- Process and decide on business license application (not risky) within 5 working days.
- Process and decide on business license application (risky) within 21 working days.
- Process and decide on new hawker license application within 5 working days.
Acts and By-Laws in use (Hyperlink will be provided for each act)
- Local Government Act 1976
- Trade Licensing Ordinance 1948 (Sabah Cap)
- Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act (1992) [493]
- Moneylenders Act 1951
- Excise Act 1976
- Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
- Licensing of Trades, Business and Industries (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Licensing of Food Establishment (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Licensing of Hawkers (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Labuan Municipal Council (Dealing in Scrap) By-Laws 1968
- Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) By-Laws 1968
- Labuan Municipal Council (Advertisements) By-Laws 1992
Business Activity Control Policy
- Principle
- Entertainment Centre Activities
- Moneylender Activities
- Cyber café Activities (Frozen for new applications)
- Pool, Snooker and Billiard Activities
- Massage and Reflexology Centre Activities
- Scrap Management Activities
- Gathering Day Activities
- Terms of Operation for Activities
- Entertainment License
- Hotel License
- Hawker License
- Market License
- Advertisement License
- Liquor License
- Moneylender License
- Scrap Management License
Business Activity Code
- Trade Licensing Ordinance 1948 (Sabah Cap)
- Licensing of Trades, Business and Industries (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Licensing of Food Establishment (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
- Licensing of Hawkers (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-laws 2016
- Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act (1992) [493]
- Moneylenders Act 1951
- Excise Act 1976
- Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
- Labuan Municipal Council (Dealing in Scrap) By-laws 1968
- Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) By-laws 1968
- Labuan Municipal Council (Advertisements) By-laws 1992
Last Update22/05/2021 - 07:37pm
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