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Business License Application

Types of Business Licenses

  1. Premises License under Trade, Business & Industry
  2. Food Settlement Premises License
  3. Premises License for entertainment activities
  4. Lesen Premis Hotel
  5. Hawker License
  6. Market License
  7. Advertisement License
  8. License to sell intoxicating beverages
  9. Money Lender’s License
  10. Scrap Management License
  11. Oil Storage License
  12. Temporary permit
    • Sidewalk
    • Entertainment Act
    • Gatherings

Business license approval process duration

  1. Process and decide on business license application (not risky) within 5 working days.
  2. Process and decide on business license application (risky) within 21 working days.
  3. Process and decide on new hawker license application within 5 working days.

Acts and By-Laws in use (Hyperlink will be provided for each act)

  1. Local Government Act 1976
  2. Trade Licensing Ordinance 1948 (Sabah Cap)
  3. Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act (1992) [493]
  4. Moneylenders Act 1951
  5. Excise Act 1976
  6. Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
  7. Licensing of Trades, Business and Industries (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  8. Licensing of Food Establishment (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  9. Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  10. Licensing of Hawkers (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  11. Labuan Municipal Council (Dealing in Scrap) By-Laws 1968
  12. Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) By-Laws 1968
  13. Labuan Municipal Council (Advertisements) By-Laws 1992

Business Activity Control Policy

  1. Principle
    1. Entertainment Centre Activities
    2. Moneylender Activities
    3. Cyber café Activities (Frozen for new applications)
    4. Pool, Snooker and Billiard Activities
    5. Massage and Reflexology Centre Activities
    6. Scrap Management Activities
    7. Gathering Day Activities
  2. Terms of Operation for Activities
    1. Entertainment License
    2. Hotel License
    3. Hawker License
    4. Market License
    5. Advertisement License
    6. Liquor License
    7. Moneylender License
    8. Scrap Management License

Business Activity Code

  1. Trade Licensing Ordinance 1948 (Sabah Cap)
  2. Licensing of Trades, Business and Industries (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  3. Licensing of Food Establishment (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  4. Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016
  5. Licensing of Hawkers (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-laws 2016
  6. Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act (1992) [493]
  7. Moneylenders Act 1951
  8. Excise Act 1976
  9. Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
  10. Labuan Municipal Council (Dealing in Scrap) By-laws 1968
  11. Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) By-laws 1968
  12. Labuan Municipal Council (Advertisements) By-laws 1992
Last Update22/05/2021 - 07:37pm
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