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List of Laws

Act / Ordinance

  1. Labuan Corporation Act 2002 (Act 609)
  2. Constitution Act (Amendment) (No. 2) 1984 [Act A585]
  3. Local Government Act 1976 [Act 171]
  4. Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 [Act 133]
  5. Town and Country Planning Act 1976 [Act 172]
  6. Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act 1992
  7. Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 [Act 118]
  8. Moneylenders Act 1951 [Act 400]
  9. Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 [Act 672]
  10. Strata Management Act 2013 [Act 757]
  11. Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 [Akta 333]
  12. Road Transport Act 1987 [Act 333]
    • Trades Licensing Ordinance, [Sabah Cap. 144]
  13. Public Health Ordinance, 1960 [Sabah No. 7 Of 1960]
    • (Public Health Ordinance, 1960 [Sabah No. 7 of 1960])


  1. Labuan Municipal Council (Registration and Control of Dogs) By-Laws, 1963 [N.L. 31/1964]
  2. Labuan Municipal Council (Dealing In Scrap) By-Laws, 1968 [N.L. 8/1968]
  3. Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) By-Laws, 1968
  4. Labuan Municipal Council (Streets and Public Places) By-Laws, 1968 [N.L. 15/1968]
  5. Labuan Municipal Council (Conservancy and Hygiene) By-Laws, 1968 [N.L. 17/1968]
  6. Labuan Municipal Council (Offensive Trades) By-Laws, 1968 [N.L. 19/1968]
  7. Labuan Municipal Council (Anti-Litter) By-Laws, 1992 [U. (A) 309/1992]
  8. Labuan Municipal Council (Advertisements) By-Laws, 1996 [U. (A) 241/1996]
  9. Licensing of Trades, Business and Industries (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016 [U. (A) 231/2016]
  10. Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016 [U. (A) 256/2016]
  11. Market Licensing (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016 [U. (A) 344/2016]
  12. Licensing of Food Establishment (Federal Territory of Labuan) By-Laws 2016 [U. (A) 363/2016]

By-Laws (amendment)

  1. Labuan Municipal Council (Hotels and Lodging Houses) (Amendment) By-laws 1992 [U. (A) 313/1992]


  1. Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Rules 1993 [U. (A) 259/1993]
  2. Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) (Compounding of Offences) Rules 1993 [U. (A) 2601/1993]
  3. Moneylenders (Manner of Appeal) Rules 2001 [U. (A) 254/2001]


  1. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of Local Government Act 1976)) Order 2010 [U. (A) 439/2010]
  2. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974) Order 2010 [U. (A) 394/2010]
  3. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of Town and Country Planning Act 1976) Order 2010 [U. (A) 442/2010]
  4. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of Entertainment (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Act 1992) Order 2010 [U. (A) 395/2010]
  5. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966) Order 2010 [U. (A) 441/2010]
  6. Federal Territory of Labuan (Extension and Modification of the Moneylenders Act 1951) Order 2007 [U. (A) 413/2007]
  7. Federal Territory of Labuan (Modification of Trades Licensing Ordinance) Order 1985 [U. (A) 356/1985]
  8. Moneylenders (Amendment of the First Schedule) 2017 [U. (A) 204/2017]
  9. Road Transport (Provision of Parking Places and Taxi Stands) (Labuan Municipal Council) Order 1995 [U. (A) 232/1995]
  10. Trades Licensing Order, 1967 [U. (A) 631/1967]

Order (amendment)

  1. Road Transport (Provision of Parking Places and Taxi Stands) (Labuan Municipal Council) (Amendment) Order (2013) [U. (A) 125/2013]


  1. Labuan Corporation (Service Improvement Fund Rate) Regulations 2004 [U. (A) 71/2004]
  2. Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 [U. (A) 58/1989]
  3. Housing Development (Housing Development Account) Regulations 1991 [U. (A) 231/1991]
  4. Housing Development (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2002 [U. (A) 475/2002]
  5. Housing Development (Tribunal for Homebuyer Claims) Regulations 2002 [U. (A) 476/2002]
  6. Moneylenders (Control and Licensing) Regulations 2003 [U. (A) 400/2003]
  7. Moneylenders (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2003 [U. (A) 401/2003]
  8. Strata Management (Strata Management Tribunal) Regulations 2015 [U. (A) 103/2015]
  9. Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015 [U. (A) 107/2015]
  10. Strata Management (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2019 [U. (A) 116/2019]

Regulations (amendment)

  1. Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 [U. (A) 473/2002]
  2. Housing Developers (Housing Development Account) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 [U. (A) 104/2015]
  3. Moneylenders (Compounding of Offences) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 [U. (A) 240/2018]
Last Update21/05/2021 - 02:50pm
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